
New World Pack Testing

PackSense is our flagship Eye Tracking-based tool to evaluate packaging. It uses different types of Eye Tracking in various setups to understand how effectively the pack is attracting consumers and which elements are working or not working – empowering you to design the pack better.

How PackSense Works?

Collecting Consumer Subconscious Response Using Eye Tracking Devices

We use two approaches to conduct pack testing using Eye Tracking:

  • Portable Eye Tracing to do Shelf Tests
  • Static Eye Tracking to do Focused Pack Design Assessments
  • Extract Key Eye Tracking Measures to Determine Actionability

    Using these eye-tracking devices, we can extract key measures to analyze what and where consumers are looking:

  • % Respondents Seen – How many consumers can see your pack on the shelf or specific elements on the pack?
  • Time to First Notice – What is the order in which different packs on the shelf or pack elements are noticed?
  • Share of Time Spent – How much time is spent looking at each pack or each element of the pack?
  • Combine with Relevant Conscious Data to Answer Marketing Questions

    We combine these subconscious eye-tracking data with several conscious measures to answer key marketing questions related to pack testing:

  • Pack Noticeability on Shelf – Is my pack noticeable on the shelf? How does it compare to the competition?
  • Planograming Evaluation – Is my pack placed at the right spot on the shelf? How can I improve the placement?
  • Pack Browsability – How do consumers browse the different elements of the pack? Is the pack correctly designed?
  • Pack Elements Noticeability – How visible are the individual elements of the pack? Do we need to change any element’s design or positioning?
  • With PackSense’s versatile capabilities, you can test:

    Type of Pack

    Evaluate real packs, mockups, or just pack images – PackSense accommodates them all.

    Type of Shelf

    Recreate retail environments using Real Shelf (Standard as well as Refrigeration Units) or real-life size Printed Shelf pasted on the wall

    Offline and Online

    Conduct in-person or remote, online eye-tracking evaluations.

    Looking for a solution tailored specifically to your needs?

    Our team of professionals are dedicated to delivering exceptional results and providing outstanding support to our clients