Consumer Packaged Goods

We assist clients in FMCG categories to thrive amidst intensifying competition by gathering consumer insights and enhancing decision-making for product innovations. Through comprehensive market research, we identify trends and preferences, enabling clients to develop innovative products that resonate with consumers. By leveraging actionable insights, we empower clients to stay ahead in the dynamic FMCG landscape and drive sustainable growth.

Neurosensum Solutions for the Consumer Packaged Goods Industry

We offer a range of customizable solutions to meet all your business needs in this industry:

Understanding Need Gaps

In the early stages of innovation, we screen out bulk ideas and identify opportunities and white space in the category.

  • – Ideas Screening
  • – Need Gaps Analysis
  • – Market Segmentation

New Product Development

We assist clients in the NPD process, from developing and optimizing concepts to measuring product acceptance from consumers and evaluating packaging.

  • – Ideas Screening
  • – Concept Testing
  • – Conjoint Study
  • – Product Testing
  • – Temporal Dominant Sensory (TDS)
  • – Gap Analysis
  • – Penalty Analysis
  • – Key Driver Analysis
  • – Pack Testing
  • – On-Shelf Pack Performance
  • – Pricing Study
  • – Volumetric Study

Communication Development & Optimization

We utilize advanced EEG methods to test and optimize communication for better impact in the market.

  • – MyndSight
  • – Basic Ad Check

In-Market Evaluation

Understand the in-market performance of your product after launch to make decisions related to product marketing strategy.

  • – Brand Health Tracking
  • – Post Launch Study
  • – Brand Equity

Looking for a solution tailored specifically to your needs?

Our team of professionals are dedicated to delivering exceptional results and providing outstanding support to our clients

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