Wednesday 3,April,2024
A personal care brand wanted to launch a new range of packaging with new characters but was unsure if it would have a stronger impact on the shelf and lead to increased sales. To check this, they partnered with Neurosensum, a research firm that specializes in measuring consumer behavior using biometric tools.
The personal care brand did not have any mock packs with them to do a test on the real shelf. They needed to check if the new pack would bring any incremental impact on shelf visibility and sales compared to the old pack.
Neurosensum created a dummy shelf using only pictures, and used static eye tracking on a computer to measure the incremental impact of the new pack. Static eye tracking measures the visual attention of consumers by tracking their eye movements and fixations. Neurosensum collected data from a sample of consumers and analyzed the data to provide insights into consumer behavior.
The results showed that the new pack would get higher shelf visibility compared to the old pack.
The findings from Neurosensum's research gave the client a clear direction and justification to proceed with the plan of going ahead with the new pack development and production. The client could now estimate the level of incremental trial it could achieve from this new packaging. The personal care brand was able to make informed decisions and launch the new packaging with confidence, knowing that it would have a stronger impact on the shelf and lead to increased sales.
Wednesday 3,April,2024
Wednesday 3,April,2024
Wednesday 3,April,2024
Wednesday 3,April,2024
Monday 8,January,2024