Thursday 8,April,2021

Speakers : Katria Arintya Anindyantari

Social Media & Kids: What Every Marketer Should Know?

The MOST important thing for marketers is about knowing your audience and engaging with them with the right messages. Otherwise, there is always a risk of generalizing traits in such a way that meaningful learnings become diffused.

In this webinar with Katria Arintya, Head of Marketing at Wingsfood Group we had a closer look at the Indonesian youth and discussed how marketers can engage with them with relevant strategies and messages

Topics of Discussion

  1. What kind of message should be shown to Kids? And how Marketers should market to kids?
  2. What channels are good for marketers to reach out to kids?
  3. Is advertising to kids Ethical? How about in-school marketing, is it ethical?

Watch webinar

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